Does Canada Have a Gun Problem?

June 5, 2017

Correction:  The statement at 1:30 in this video should be “… murdered by a firearm when they are just as likely to be injured by lightning.”

In this video Rod Giltaca discusses the statistical reality of the number of Canadians that are licenced to own guns, the number of gun related homicides, and the number of gun related accidental deaths in Canada and touches on how the real numbers are far fewer then often portrayed in the Canadian Media.


Supporting Information

Number of Gun Owners:

The 2015 Commissioner of Firearms Report lists the number of individual licenced gun owners in Canada at 2,026,011 individuals.  The number 2.1 million quoted in the video is a projection based on a continuation of the historical increase since the last published data at the end of 2015.

The full report can be found here.  2015 Commissioner of Firearms Report

Dr. Gary A. Mauser is a Canadian criminologist and emeritus professor in the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University.  He has done extensive research into gun control and firearms law in Canada.  The actual number of gun owners in Canada is impossible to know, however his best estimate of the number of Canadians in peaceful possession of firearms in Canada is approximately 3 million.


Number of Homicides:

Statistics Canada tracks annual homicides by method in Canada.  A summery of their data is below showing rates between 2011 and 2015:

Homicides by method
  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
All methods 605 548 509 521 604
Shooting 159 171 134 155 178
Stabbing 207 164 195 189 214
Beating 128 115 102 100 132
Strangulation 40 44 45 32 38
Fire (burns/suffocation) 22 17 5 7 8
Other methods1 33 21 18 23 14
Not known 16 16 10 15 20
Homicide includes Criminal Code offences of murder, manslaughter and infanticide.
If multiple methods against one victim are used, only the leading method causing the death is counted. Thus, only one method is scored per victim.
1. Other methods include poisoning, exposure, shaken baby syndrome, deaths caused by vehicles and heart attacks.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 253-0002 and Homicide Survey, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics.
Last modified: 2016-11-23.


Lightning statistics:

Environment Canada tracks lightning related injuries and deaths in Canada.  Detailed statistics for the years  1986 – 2005 can be found here.


Deaths and Medical Deaths:

Statistics Canada tracks annual deaths in Canada.  Below is a summary of their data on total deaths between 2011 and 2016.

Deaths, estimates, by province and territory
  2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016
Canada 241,500 250,407 254,855 266,164 269,012
Newfoundland and Labrador 4,634 4,701 4,821 4,943 5,069
Prince Edward Island 1,247 1,245 1,271 1,296 1,321
Nova Scotia 8,349 8,509 8,684 8,854 9,036
New Brunswick 6,332 6,536 6,708 6,870 7,036
Quebec 58,941 61,642 60,850 65,550 62,650
Ontario 88,466 92,472 95,894 99,231 102,701
Manitoba 10,086 10,158 10,338 10,503 10,676
Saskatchewan 9,095 9,265 9,381 9,482 9,577
Alberta 21,531 22,441 23,321 24,164 24,980
British Columbia 32,253 32,859 32,989 34,652 35,325
Yukon 215 211 217 226 234
Northwest Territories 189 205 213 222 233
Nunavut 162 163 168 171 174
Period from July 1 to June 30.
The numbers for deaths are final up to 2012/2013, updated for 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 and preliminary for 2015/2016.
Preliminary and updated estimates of deaths were produced by Demography Division, Statistics Canada. Final data were produced by Health Statistics Division, Statistics Canada. However, the final estimates included in this table may differ from the data released by the Health Statistics Division, due to distribution of unknown province.
Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM, table 051-0004 and Catalogue no. 91-215-X.
Last modified: 2016-09-28.


The Globe and Mail published a story in June 2016 estimating the number of deaths due to preventable medical errors to be up to 24,000 per year.  Other stories published in previous years estimate that number might be even higher.


In this video Rod Giltaca, President of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, discusses the number of firearms owned by legal gun owners in Canada.  He reviews the requirements and process one goes through to become licensed to own firearms, and describes in detail the extreme vetting process involved in doing so.



Supporting Information:

14 - 21 Million Firearms in Canada

This estimate comes from a large number of various sources in previous years. The last number from the full gun registry before it was destroyed was about 7.5 million registered guns. Some estimates for non-compliance of the registry were placed as high as 50%.  There have also been estimates based on historical import records that factor into our estimate.   Allister Muir, a spokesman for the Canadian Unlicensed Firearms Owners Association, estimated in 2012 that there are between 14 and 21 million guns in Canada, registered or otherwise.

2.1 Million PAL holders in Canada:

The 2015 Commissioner of Firearms Report lists the number of individual licensed gun owners in Canada at 2,026,011 individuals.  The number 2.1 million quoted in the video is a projection based on a continuation of the historical increase since the last published data at the end of 2015.

The full report can be found here.  2015 Commissioner of Firearms Report

Mandatory Safety Course:

It's important to note that an additional requirement not mentioned specifically in this video is mandatory participation in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and associated testing.  The content of this course is controlled and approved by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Canadian Firearms Program and was developed to meet the mandatory requirements of section 7 of the Firearms Act.To be eligible to apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence, classroom participation in the full CFSC is mandatory for first-time licence applicants. Once the course is completed, individuals then must pass the tests.

Topics covered in the CFSC include:

  • the evolution of firearms, major parts, types and actions;
  • basic firearms safety practices;
  • ammunition;
  • operating firearm actions;
  • safe handling and carry procedures;
  • firing techniques and procedures;
  • care of firearms;
  • responsibilities of the firearms owner/user; and,
  • safe storage, display, transportation and handling of firearms.

Licence Application Requirements:

Processing a firearms licence application involves a variety of background checks. In some cases, in-depth investigations are conducted.  The RCMP requires a minimum of 45 days to process an application. There is a legislated minimum 28-day waiting period for all applicants who do not presently hold a valid firearms licence. A PAL is valid for a period of five 5 years

A 5 year personal history must be provided by all applicants.  The personal history includes all information pertaining to criminal charges and convictions, peace bonds and protection orders, history of suicidal tendencies, depression, substance and alcohol abuse, behavioral problems, emotional problems, reports to police or social services about the applicant regarding violence or threats of violence or domestic conflicts.  An applicant is also required to declare any divorce, separation, breakdown of a relationship, job loss, or bankruptcy.  All applicants must also provide contact information for any spouse or common-law partner and every conjugal partner in the previous 2 years. In addition to the above requirements, 2 personal references must be provided to be interviewed by the RCMP as part of the background check.

Non-Residents and New Canadian Residents of less than 5 years must obtain a letter of good conduct issued by the local or state police of their current or previous country of residence.

A copy of the application can be found here:

Police Check Every 24 Hours:

Continuous-eligibility screening is one of the most innovative features of the CFP. Rather than just doing background checks at the time of licensing and renewal (as was done under previous legislation), the CFRS is dynamic and continuously updated as new information comes to the attention of the police and courts concerning the behaviour of licence holders. All current holders of firearms licences, POL (Possession Only) and PAL (Possession and Acquisition of further firearms), are recorded in the Canadian Firearms Information System (CFIS). CFIS automatically checks with the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) every day to determine whether a licence holder has been the subject of an incident report in CPIC. All matches generate a report entitled Firearms Interest Police (FIP) that is automatically forwarded to the CFO in the relevant province for follow-up. Some of these reports require no further action, but others may lead to review of the individual’s licence and may result in its revocation. . Continuous-eligibility screening reduces the likelihood that an individual who has shown they are a risk to public safety will be permitted to retain possession of firearms.


In this video Rod Giltaca, President of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, covers the significant increase in firearms regulations and laws in Canada that have been put into place since the early 1990s.  It also highlights a selection of laws that lack any reasonable notion of common sense.  Below you will find a brief history of legislation in Canada since 1991 as published by the RCMP, and references for each specific claim made in the video.


RCMP - History of Gun Control In Canada

Bill C-17 was introduced. It passed in the House of Commons on November 7, received Senate approval and Royal Assent on December 5, 1991, then came into force between 1992 and 1994. Changes to the FAC system included requiring applicants to provide a photograph and two references; imposing a mandatory 28-day waiting period for an FAC; a mandatory requirement for safety training; and expanding the application form to provide more background information. Bill C-17 also required a more detailed screening check of FAC applicants.

Some other major changes included: increased penalties for firearm-related crimes; new Criminal Code offences; new definitions for prohibited and restricted weapons; new regulations for firearms dealers; clearly defined regulations for the safe storage, handling and transportation of firearms; and a requirement that firearm regulations be drafted for review by Parliamentary committee before being made by Governor-in-Council. A major focus of the new legislation was the need for controls on military, para-military and high-firepower guns. New controls in this area included the prohibition of large-capacity cartridge magazines for automatic and semi-automatic firearms, the prohibition of automatic firearms that had been converted to avoid the 1978 prohibition (existing owners were exempted); and a series of Orders-in-Council prohibiting or restricting most para-military rifles and some types of non-sporting ammunition.

The Bill C-17 requirement for FAC applicants to show knowledge of the safe handling of firearms came into force in 1994. To demonstrate knowledge, applicants had to pass the test for a firearms safety course approved by a provincial Attorney General, or a firearms officer had to certify that the applicant was competent in handling firearms safely.

Bill C-17 added a requirement that safety courses had to cover firearms laws as well as safety issues.

After the 1993 federal election, the new Government indicated its intention to proceed with further controls, including some form of licensing and registration system that would apply to all firearms and their owners. Provincial and Federal officials met several times between January and July to define issues relating to universal licensing and registration proposals.

Between August 1994 and February 1995, policy options were defined for a new firearms control scheme, and new legislation was drafted.

Bill C-68 was introduced on February 14. Senate approval and Royal Assent were granted on December 5, 1995. Major changes included:

Criminal Code amendments providing harsher penalties for certain serious crimes where firearms are used (e.g., kidnapping, murder);
the creation of the Firearms Act, to take the administrative and regulatory aspects of the licensing and registration system out of the Criminal Code;
a new licensing system to replace the FAC system; licences required to possess and acquire firearms, and to buy ammunition;
registration of all firearms, including shotguns and rifles.
The Chief Firearms Officer was tasked with issuing firearm licences, and the Firearms Registrar, registration certificates. The Registrar is responsible, among other things, for registering firearms owned by individuals and businesses.

Provision was also made in the Firearms Act for the appointment of ten Chief Firearms Officers, that is, one for each province, with some provinces also including a territory. Chief Firearms Officers can be appointed by the provincial or the federal government. Be they appointed federally or provincially, Chief Firearms Officers are responsible for such things as issuing, renewing, and revoking Possession and Acquisition Licences.

The provisions requiring mandatory minimum sentences for serious firearms crimes came into effect in January. The Canada Firearms Centre (CFC) was given the task to develop the regulations, systems and infrastructure needed to implement the Firearms Act. CFC officials consulted extensively with the provinces and territories, and with groups and individuals with an interest in firearms, to ensure that the regulations reflected their needs as much as possible.

The Minister of Justice tabled proposed regulations on November 27. These dealt with such matters as:

- all fees payable under the Firearms Act;
- licensing requirements for firearms owners;
- safe storage, display and transportation requirements for individuals and businesses;
- authorizations to transport restricted or prohibited firearms;
- authorizations to carry restricted firearms and prohibited handguns for limited purposes;
- authorizations for businesses to import or export firearms;
- conditions for transferring firearms from one owner to another;
- record-keeping requirements for businesses;
- adaptations for Aboriginal people.


In January and February, public hearings on the proposed regulations were held by the House of Commons Sub-Committee on the Draft Regulations on Firearms, of the Standing Committee of Justice and Legal Affairs, and by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee. Based on the presentations that were made, a number of recommendations were made for improvements to the regulations. These recommendations were to clarify various provisions and to give more recognition to legitimate needs of firearms users. The Committee also recommended that the government develop a variety of communications programs to provide information on the new law to groups and individuals with an interest in firearms.

In April, the Minister of Justice tabled the government's response, accepting all but one of the Committee's 39 recommendations. The government rejected a recommendation for an additional procedure in the licence approval process.

In October, the Minister of Justice tabled some amendments to the 1996 regulations. She also tabled additional regulations at that time, dealing with:

- firearms registration certificates;
- exportation and importation of firearms;
- the operation of shooting clubs and shooting ranges;
- gun shows;
- special authority to possess; and
- public agents.


The regulations were passed in March. The Firearms Act and regulations were scheduled to be phased in starting December 1, 1998. The Canadian Firearms Registry was transferred from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to the Department of Justice.

As of January 1, 2001, Canadians needed a licence to possess and acquire firearms.

The National Weapons Enforcement Support Team (NWEST) was created to support law enforcement in combating the illegal movement of firearms. NWEST also assists police agencies in investigative support, training and lectures, analytical assistance, firearms tracing, expert witnesses, and links to a network of national and international firearms investigative groups.

As of January 1, 2003, individuals needed a valid licence and registration certificate for all firearms in their possession, including non-restricted rifles and shotguns. Firearms businesses also required a valid business licence and registration certificate for all firearms in their inventory.

The Canada Firearms Centre was transferred from the Department of Justice on April 14, 2003, and became an independent agency within the Solicitor General Portfolio.

On May 13, 2003, Bill C-10A, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Firearms) and the Firearms Act received Royal Assent. Statutory authority of all operations was consolidated under the Canadian Firearms Commissioner, who reported directly to the Solicitor General, now known as the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.

A Commissioner of Firearms, who has overall responsibility for the administration of the program, was appointed.

In June 2003, proposed amendments to the Regulations supporting the Firearms Act were tabled in Parliament. Consultations with key stakeholders concerning the proposed regulations took place in the fall of 2003.

Some Bill C-10A regulations — those which improve service delivery, streamline processes and improve transparency and accountability — came into effect.

Responsibility for the administration of the Firearms Act and the operation of the Canada Firearms Centre was transferred to the RCMP in May 2006. The Commissioner of the RCMP assumed the role of the Commissioner of Firearms.

In June, 2006, Bill C-21, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act, was tabled, with the intent of repealing the requirement to register non-restricted long guns. It dies on the order paper.

Bill C-21 was reintroduced as Bill C-24.

The RCMP amalgamated their firearms-related sections, the Canada Firearms Centre and the Firearms Support Services Directorate, into one integrated group, the Canadian Firearms Program (CFP).

Bill C-24, like its predecessor, Bill C-21, died on the order paper in September 2008.

The remainder of the Public Agents Firearms Regulations came into force on October 31, 2008. Police and other government agencies that use or hold firearms were required to report all firearms in their temporary or permanent possession.

On October 25, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness introduced Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (Ending the Long-gun Registry Act).

On April 5, Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act, came into force. The bill amended the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act to remove the requirement to register non-restricted firearms, ordered the destruction of existing registration records and allowed the transferor of a non-restricted firearm to obtain confirmation of the validity of a transferee's firearms acquisition licence prior to the transfer being finalized.

Shortly after, the Government of Quebec filed a court challenge to Bill C-19. Due to a series of court orders and undertakings in these proceedings, non-restricted firearms registration records for the province of Quebec were retained, and Quebec residents continued to register non-restricted firearms.

In October, all non-restricted firearms registration records, except for Quebec, were destroyed.

On March 27, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed Quebec's appeal challenging the constitutionality of the provisions of the Ending the Long Gun Registry Act requiring destruction of the non-restricted registration records, and refused to order the transfer of these records to the Province of Quebec. As a result, the Canadian Firearms Program stopped accepting and processing registration/transfer applications for non-restricted firearms from within the province of Quebec, and all electronic records identified as being related to the non-restricted firearms registration records in Quebec were deleted.

On June 18, Bill C-42,the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act, received royal assent, and the following provisions of that Act came into force: The Act amended the Firearms Act and Criminal Code to make classroom participation in firearms safety courses mandatory for first-time licence applicants; provide for the discretionary authority of Chief Firearms Officers to be subject to the regulations; strengthen the Criminal Code provisions relating to orders prohibiting the possession of firearms where a person is convicted of an offence involving domestic violence; and, provide the Governor in Council with the authority to prescribe firearms to be non-restricted or restricted.

On September 2, two additional provisions of the Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act came into force: the elimination of the Possession Only Licence (POL) and conversion of all existing POLs to Possession and Acquisition Licences; and the Authorization to Transport becoming a condition of a licence for certain routine and lawful activities. Other provisions of the Act which create a six month grace period at the end of a five year licence, and permitting the sharing of firearms import information when restricted and prohibited firearms are imported into Canada by businesses, are not yet in force.



Rifle Banned Due to Appearance Alone:

In 2015 the RCMP Classified a version of the Mossberg Blaze, a rimfire 22 Long Rifle semi-automatic rifle, prohibited solely due to it’s resemblance to an AK 47.  Other versions of this rifle from mossberg are all non-restricted in Canada.


Rifle Banned Due to Engravings:

In 2016, the RCMP classified classified a batch of newly imported CZ 858 Spartan rifles as prohibited based on some new engravings, which changed nothing as far as the rifles functionality.  CZ 858 rifles that were already in Canada prior to this import are all currently non-restricted or restricted depending on barrel length.


Shotgun Barrel Length - Same Gun, Different Classification:

A pump action shotgun who’s barrel is shortened by a gunsmith becomes prohibited:

Prohibited firearm* means:

  • a handgun that
  • has a barrel equal to or less than 105 mm in length, or
  • is designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 calibre cartridge, but does not include any such handgun that is prescribed, where the handgun is for use in international sporting competitions governed by the rules of the International Shooting Union,
  • a firearm that is adapted from a rifle or shotgun, whether by sawing, cutting or any other alteration, and that, as so adapted,
  • is less than 660 mm in length, or
  • is 660 mm or greater in length and has a barrel less than 457 mm in length,
  • an automatic firearm, whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger, or
  • any firearm that is prescribed to be a prohibited firearm in the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited, Restricted or Non-Restricted.

But, a pump action shotgun purchased with the same short barrel from the factory would be non restricted:

Non-restricted firearm: any rifle or shotgun that is neither restricted nor prohibited.

Restricted firearm* means:

  • a handgun that is not a prohibited firearm,
  • a firearm that
  • is not a prohibited firearm,
  • has a barrel less than 470 mm in length, AND
  • is capable of discharging centre-fire ammunition in a semi-automatic manner,
  • a firearm that is designed or adapted to be fired when reduced to a length of less than 660 mm by folding, telescoping or otherwise, or
  • a firearm of any other kind that is prescribed to be a restricted firearm in the Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited, Restricted or Non-Restricted.


Legal to target shoot with a large rifle on a large property, but not a handgun:

A Handgun may only be possessed inside the dwelling of the registered owner or at a shooting range approved by the chief firearms officer in each province.  Authorizations to transport a handgun out of a dwelling and onto a registered owner's rural property for the purpose of target practice are not issued.  The same restrictions do not apply to firearms classified as non-restricted.

Firearms Act - Section 17

Places where prohibited and restricted firearms may be possessed

17 Subject to sections 19 and 20, a prohibited firearm or restricted firearm, the holder of the registration certificate for which is an individual, may be possessed only at the dwelling-house of the individual, as recorded in the Canadian Firearms Registry, or at a place authorized by a chief firearms officer.


Replica Firearms are Prohibited in Canada

To be prohibited as a replica firearm, a device must closely resemble an existing make and model of firearm.


Do gun laws make us safer? Watch and decide for yourself.

The political system in Canada uses a placebo effect to create the impression that our regulations reduce gun violence. Specifically, the current Liberal government promised in their election platform to restore the requirement to have a permit to transport restricted and prohibited firearms, reversing changes in the previous government's Bill C-42 (The Common Sense Firearms Licensing Act).

In reality, Bill C-42  did not eliminate the need for a permit whatsoever.  All of the same transportation conditions still exist post C-42 with one exception; you can now also take your firearm to and from a gun show. The bill simply made it unnecessary to carry the physical piece of paper with you during transport. The information resides in a database accessible by front line officers should you get pulled over.  So simply put, the permit still exists with same conditions as it always has.

No meaningful, practical changes in the transportation of firearms occurred after C-42, yet many people seem eager to convince Canadians otherwise. It’s also clear to see that if someone is licensed to own a firearm, they are trustworthy enough to drive to the shooting range to use it. In addition, it’s unlikely that a lack of paperwork or government permission stops any gang-related shootings, mass murders or other criminal uses. So the question is, what exactly are our politicians doing to stop the real causes of gun violence?

  • Bill C-42: FULL TEXT HERE
  • Canadian Firearms Program Info: RCMP Summary of C-42
  • Here are the criminal penalties if you are licensed to own a firearm but fail to carry the actual paperwork with you to the shooting range. Take note of page 25:  Canadian Firearms Safety Course
    • Every person who stores, displays, transports or handles any firearm in a manner contrary to the Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals Regulations is:
      1. guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment,
        • in the case of a first offence, for a term not exceeding two years, and
        • in the case of a second or subsequent offence, for a term not exceeding five years; or
      2. guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction (a fine of $5,000 and/or six months imprisonment).
    • Take note of the disproportionate punishments for paperwork or documentation offenses. Keep in mind, these are not punishments that criminals are exposed to, they are reserved for qualified, licensed gun owners.
    • Here is a Statistics Canada study that shows an average of 400 documentation and administrative charges laid each year in Canada. See page 20 and values represented by “Firearms documentation or administration”. Statistics Canada Report On Firearm Violence 2012
  • Liberal Party of Canada platform promises: Liberal Party Gun Platform
    • Note again, the untrue nature of the statement “repeal changes made by Bill C-42 that allow restricted and prohibited weapons to be freely transported without a permit”. Clearly, the permitting still exists including all the previous conditions.
  • For more reference, see the following video featuring an actual physical ATT before the change in the law.
  • A link to an actual scanned ATT prior to the changes made in bill C-42. This verifies claims made in both videos regarding prior conditions attached to ATT’s. Actual ATT Prior Bill C-42

AP/Craig Ruttle

According to a Pew Survey released Jan 11, 2017 that surveyed 8000 police officers from departments larger than 100 officers; 74 percent of American Police officers believe it’s most important to “protect the right of Americans to own guns,”.  Interestingly among the general public, only 54% of Americans believe the same thing.  This means the law enforcement community have an even greater appreciation for American Second Amendment rights than the citizens themselves.


Read the full study below.

Pew Police Survey 2017

Download the CCFR 10/22 Information Sheet


Ruger 10/22 10+ Round Capacity Magazine Re-Interpretation

Information Sheet

  • On July 21st, 2016, the RCMP Criminal Operations Branch released an E Division Broadcast declaring all 10+ round 10/22 magazines as prohibited devices based on the following section of the Criminal Code:  “Specifically, paragraph 3 (1)(b) of the Regulations prohibit a cartridge magazine that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada.”
  • The RCMP interpretation that these magazines are prohibited is incorrect. These magazines were originally designed for use in a semi-automatic rimfire rifle therefore they are not regulated no matter what firearm they may fit into.

Regulations Prescribing Certain Firearms and Other Weapons, Components and Parts of Weapons, Accessories, Cartridge Magazines, Ammunition and Projectiles as Prohibited, Restricted or Non-Restricted


Former Cartridge Magazine Control Regulations

3 (1) Any cartridge magazine

(a) that is capable of containing more than five cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in

(i) a semi-automatic handgun that is not commonly available in Canada,

(ii) a semi-automatic firearm other than a semi-automatic handgun,

(iii) an automatic firearm whether or not it has been altered to discharge only one projectile with one pressure of the trigger,

(iv) the firearms of the designs commonly known as the Ingram M10 and M11 pistols, and any variants or modified versions of them, including the Cobray M10 and M11 pistols, the RPB M10, M11 and SM11 pistols and the SWD M10, M11, SM10 and SM11 pistols,

(v) the firearm of the design commonly known as the Partisan Avenger Auto Pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, or

(vi) the firearm of the design commonly known as the UZI pistol, and any variant or modified version of it, including the Micro-UZI pistol; or

(b) that is capable of containing more than 10 cartridges of the type for which the magazine was originally designed and that is designed or manufactured for use in a semi-automatic handgun that is commonly available in Canada.

(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not include any cartridge magazine that

(a) was originally designed or manufactured for use in a firearm that

(i) is chambered for, or designed to use, rimfire cartridges,


  • While there has been no change in the statute governing the status of these magazines, this new and arbitrary interpretation of it has effectively caused hundreds of thousands of law abiding firearms owners to be in possession of a prohibited device.
  • Possession of a prohibited device carries severe criminal and financial penalties, and can result in imprisonment up to 10 years and/or heavy fines.  Section 91 & 92 Canadian Criminal Code.

Possession of firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized

92 (1) Subject to subsection (4), every person commits an offence who possesses a prohibited firearm, a restricted firearm or a non-restricted firearm knowing that the person is not the holder of

(a) a licence under which the person may possess it; and

(b) in the case of a prohibited firearm or a restricted firearm, a registration certificate for it.

Marginal note:

Possession of prohibited weapon, device or ammunition knowing its possession is unauthorized

(2) Subject to subsection (4), every person commits an offence who possesses a prohibited weapon, a restricted weapon, a prohibited device, other than a replica firearm, or any prohibited ammunition knowing that the person is not the holder of a licence under which the person may possess it.

Marginal note:


(3) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1) or (2) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable

(a) in the case of a first offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years;

(b) in the case of a second offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; and

(c) in the case of a third or subsequent offence, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of two years less a day.


  • These magazines, designed for use in one of the most popular sporting rifles in Canada, have been legally sold for decades as a popular accessory, and are used responsibly by a significant numbers of lawful firearms owners.
  • The Ruger 10/22 – a .22 rimfire calibre semi-automatic sporting rifle – has been on the market since 1964.
  • The RCMP cannot testify as to what firearm these magazines were designed for and evidence shows that the rifle was created first.
  • This new and poorly communicated interpretation is based on the existing rifle magazine’s ability to fit a restricted firearm (the Ruger Charger, based on the 10/22 platform) which was introduced in 2007. The Charger was introduced long after the Ruger 10/22 magazines in question were designed and commonly available in Canada.
  • Administrative re-classifications or re-interpretations such as this contribute in no way to the enhancement of public safety, and criminalize law abiding firearms owners which are statistically one of the safest demographics in the country.
  • Some Provincial Crown Counsels are refusing to approve charges as they agree these magazines are not prohibited devices. This is a situation where the RCMP is acting alone and not only changing their interpretation of the law, but using the resources entrusted to them to inappropriately act on it.
  • Facing appropriate criticism, the RCMP had recently changed their story and said that these magazines were always prohibited.  This is not true. They have been legally imported for decades and been sold at hundreds of RCMP-licensed (and frequently inspected) firearm businesses. These include large retailers like Walmart and Cabelas. RCMP officers themselves own these magazines including employees of the RCMP Specialized Firearms Laboratory.
  • The RCMP must not be allowed to revise their statements and positions nor simply declare what is legal or illegal. This is dishonest and is incredibly corrosive to Canada’s institutions. No public safety benefit exists concerning this action nor is there any need for this conflict. This action damages the relationship between millions of Canadians and the RCMP.
  • A positive relationship between police and the citizenry is foundational to maintaining our society and must be respected.


For more information, refer to:

CCFR Press Release on Ruger 10/22


Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights
P.O. Box 91572 RPO Mer Bleu
Ottawa, Ontario K1W 0A6
1-844-243-CCFR (2237) 08:00-16:00 EST

If you’ve seen our public service announcement you might be skeptical of this claim. It certainly wouldn’t make much sense to threaten a qualified, vetted and closely monitored Canadian with penalties like this for paperwork errors. (more…)


How difficult is it to get a firearm in Canada? How is the public vetted and monitored concerning their ability to buy guns? Find out from someone who actually knows. Rod Giltaca is an instructor with the RCMP Canadian Firearms Program and the President of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights. He is one of Canada’s foremost experts on the politicization of the firearms issue in Canada. (more…)

Firearm classification in Canada is commonly based on a number of criteria.



Can the government make up arbitrary reasons in real time to ban firearms? (more…)

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