
June 28, 2017

In this video Rod discusses the Canadian movement to legalise silencers for gun owners.


For more in depth information on this topic, we urge you to visit: Sound Moderators Canada


Supporting Information for the Video:


Amount of Noise Reduction

Sound Moderators reduce the sound of a firearm enough to make it safe.  Often, traditional hearing protection is still recommended in addition to a Sound Moderator.

This Study by the Health & Safety Laboratory in the UK published in 2004 looked at the noise levels encountered at various positions around both moderated and un-moderated firearms and made recommendations on hearing protection to stay safe.

Interestingly, the study found that while using un-moderated firearms, traditional hearing protectors which were predicted to provide adequate protection according to standardized methods, were found to be inadequate as they did not always reduce the peak exposure below 140dB.

It also found that Sound Moderators do NOT give any reduction to the noise of a bullet in flight and therefore gave little to no noise reduction forward of the firearm.

Read the whole study below:



Rarely Used in Crimes

Silencers are rarely used in crimes, according to a 10-year study published in 2007 by the Western Criminology Review in the United States. Researchers estimated silencers were involved in 30 to 40 of the 75,000 federal criminal cases filed each year. The study found only two federal cases over a 10 year period involving a silencer used in murders.  To put this number in perspective, environment Canada estimates that 10 people per year are killed or injured by lighting strikes.

Read the whole study below:

Criminal Use of Silencers Study


Countries with a degree of legal use for Civilians

Our research found that the majority of G7 nations and many others have recognized the benefits of these devices. These countries include the United States, France, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Poland.  We are sure there are other counties in addition to the ones we've listed.



Sound Moderators are prohibited in Austrailia, but when a University was asked to do a study and offer their opinion on the topic, the authors’ opinions were that the prohibition should be lifted.  The study examines the many benefits associated with the use of these devices.

Edith Cowen University in Austrailia published their study in 2011 on the implications of allowing Sound Moderators for use on firearms for game and faral management.  It was prepared for the Game Council of New South Wales.  The studies conclusion is no surprise:

“It is the opinion of the report-panel that when the documented advantages of sound
moderators are compared against a perceived amount of crime that criminalisation of the
device purports to prevent, then it is argued that continued denial of the benefits is no
longer in the public interest.”

Read the Full Study Below:

Sound Moderators on Firearms in New South Wales

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